To initiate a return: Please contact us using the form below or call/text us at 918.940.8900 to request an RMA and receive a discounted FedEx return shipping label. The cost of return shipping will be subtracted from the refund unless the customer uses their own shipping label. DashSkin accepts returns and exchanges on within 30 days of purchase. The following terms apply:
- Used/glued covers cannot be returned
- Modified or cut covers cannot be returned
- Touch up paint, aerosols, adhesive, and anything in the "Extras" category of our site is not returnable.
In the event your item arrives defective in some way, please contact us via email, send us a message by clicking the red CONTACT US button in the bottom right of your screen, or call 918.940.8900.
Due to the high cost of retail rate shipping, we do not reimburse shipping cost for returns shipped on a customer's account or from an outside shipping carrier. Shipments created by the customer to DashSkin that are charged to the recipient will receive a refund less the difference between our label cost and the amount charged to us, up to the full transaction amount (these shipments can cost $150+ depending on product/model).
Damaged Shipments
If your shipment arrives damanged, please text photos of the damage to the product (and photos of any dents, holes, or damage to the box) to 918.940.8900 for an immediate resolution. Please do not refuse the package if it arrives damaged.
Incorrect Address/Refused Shipments
In the event the delivery address you provide is invalid or the shipment is refused at the delivery address, the cost of the return trip will be subtracted from your refund. To avoid issues, please do not refuse a shipment without contacting us first, as an RMA needs to be set up in our system to receive and process a return without delays. If you contact us to revise your delivery address, a fee may be charged (FedEx charges a $12 fee for address revisions).
Factory Colors
While our dash cover colors are based on factory colors, we CAN NOT guarantee an exact match. Most vehicles we create covers for have dashes made of brittle plastic that breaks down and decays easily, which means the colors can often fade at very different rates depending on how much sunlight your dash has seen. For this reason, we do not offer free returns for color differences. Â